Milbon Group Human Rights Policy
The Milbon Group (including Milbon Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Milbon"), based on the philosophy of its business organization, seeks to remain a company that is widely and consistently supported by society. Here, it has defined "We strive to achieve a sustainable society through our collaboration with haircare professionals." as part of its Management Philosophy and Basic Guideline for Sustainability, presented in The Milbon Way, a guideline handbook for employees.
Milbon hereby establishes this Milbon Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy") as a guideline for fulfilling its responsibility to respect human rights throughout the value chain.
1.Basic Approach to Human Rights
Milbon recognizes the importance of respect for human rights and supports and respects the following international norms and principles.
- The United Nations' International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)The United Nations' International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)
- The International Labour Organization (ILO)'s ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- The United Nations General Assembly Resolution, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- The United Nations' Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Furthermore, as a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, Milbon supports and respects the Compact's Ten Principles.
Milbon does not tolerate any form of forced labor, human trafficking, child labor, discrimination or harassment, or any other practice that undermines human dignity.
Furthermore, Milbon values dialogue with its employees and consistently strives to enhance their working conditions and environment.
Milbon respects fundamental labor rights, such as the right to associate, the right to bargain collectively, and the right to equal pay for equal work. Milbon is committed to eliminating overwork, complying with the Minimum Wage Act, and ensuring its wages are competitive, providing a living wage that matches or exceeds those of other companies in the same regions and industry.
In addition, where international human rights principles differ from national or regional laws and regulations, Milbon seeks ways to respect these international human rights principles to the greatest extent possible.
2.Scope of Application
The Policy applies to all executives and employees of the Milbon Group. Milbon also expects all business partners involved in its Group's products and services to support and practice the Policy, and Milbon will promote respect for human rights alongside these partners.
3.Responsibility and Execution of Respect for Human Rights
Milbon recognizes that it is unreasonably challenging to completely eliminate the potential of any negative impacts on human rights in business activities across the entire value chain. In addition to refraining from committing any human rights violations, Milbon will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights by taking swift and appropriate action in response to any unintended negative impact on human rights that may arise in the course of its business activities.
4.Human Rights Due Diligence
Milbon will establish a human rights due diligence mechanism to identify negative impacts on human rights, and will take action to prevent or mitigate these.
5.Dialogue and Discussion
Milbon recognizes the importance of understanding human rights issues from the perspective of stakeholders who have faced negative impacts on their human rights, as well as the presence of vulnerable stakeholders, requiring special consideration. To this end, Milbon will strive to understand, rectify, and resolve human rights issues through sincere dialogue and discussion with relevant stakeholders on an ongoing basis, and by utilizing independent, external human rights expertise.
6.Education and Training
Milbon will provide a wide range of human rights awareness and training programs for all its executives and employees so as to ensure that the Policy is entrenched in its corporate activities overall, woven into all of its business activities, and effectively executed.
Milbon will sincerely work to provide relief through dialogue and appropriate procedures where it is found to have caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights. In instances where Milbon has a direct connection to negative impacts on human rights due to a business relationship, Milbon will strive to aid in rectifying the negative impact by leveraging insights and experience both inside and outside the Group and through collaboration with the relevant stakeholders. Milbon has established a whistleblower contact point where any of its employees can report and consult on human rights concerns. Milbon prohibits disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers and thoroughly ensures the confidentiality of whistleblower cases and the protection of the personal information of whistleblowers. Milbon will investigate and address human rights concerns and take appropriate corrective and remedial action in the instance that a violation is revealed.
8.Responsible Parties
Milbon selects an officer to be responsible for the execution of the Policy, who will oversee implementation status.
9.Information Disclosure
Milbon utilizes its website and other means to report the progress and results of its initiatives for respect of human rights and its human rights due diligence.
The Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of Milbon Co., Ltd. and signed by Ryuji Sato, Representative Director, President and CEO.
March 11, 2022
Milbon Co., Ltd.
President and CEO
Hidenori Sakashita
Sustainability Director, Executive Director
Masahiro Murai