
Maintaining a sound corporate governance framework and making improvements is one of the highest priorities of Milbon. We have a strong commitment to upgrading the transparency, fairness and efficiency of management in order to achieve steady growth in corporate value.

Fundamental Policy

(1) Shareholder rights and equality

We will disclose in a timely and accurate manner the information required for shareholders to exercise their rights. We will also maintain a proper environment for shareholders to submit votes on resolutions and protect the rights and equality of foreign shareholders (including beneficial shareholders) and all other shareholders.

(2) Proper relationships with stakeholders other than shareholders

We will maintain proper relationships with customers, suppliers, employees, creditors, communities, the beauty salon industry and all other stakeholders. We will also show respect for the rights, perspectives and ethical business operations of stakeholders.

(3) Suitable information disclosure and transparency

We will supply information about our financial condition, results of operations and other aspects of business operations on a quarterly basis as prescribed in laws and regulations. We will also disclose all pertinent information about our strategies, medium-term vision and other non-financial subjects. We will do everything possible to ensure that all of this information is accurate and easy to understand for the purpose of facilitating a constructive dialogue with shareholders.

(4)Responsibilities of the board of directors

The board of directors has an obligation to operate in the best interests of shareholders and to provide explanations for their actions. Consequently, the directors are responsible for the following roles and duties, as well as other items, for the purpose of achieving sustained growth, a consistent increase in corporate value, and improvements in earnings and the return on capital.

  • The directors establish a corporate philosophy and medium-term vision, clearly define strategic goals and supervise the necessary actions.
  • The directors establish frameworks for internal controls and risk management and provide support for appropriate risk exposure decisions by senior executives.
  • Milbon has a board of corporate auditors. Audits are performed by the members of this board, where the majority of the members are from outside the Milbon Group. There is also a Nominations Committee and Compensation Committee, each with a majority of outside directors. The use of independent external corporate auditors and directors makes it possible to perform highly effective audits of the directors from an objective standpoint.

(5) Dialogues with shareholders

To contribute to the consistent growth of the Milbon Group and its corporate value, the representative director and chief financial officer conduct a variety of investor relations activities. The objective is constructive dialogues with shareholders and other stakeholders.

Corporate Governance Structure

The outline of our corporate governance structure is as follows.

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Corporate Governance (483.3KB)

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