1. Fundamental Policy
The Milbon Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Group") will disclose information in a timely, appropriate and fair manner to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, with the aim of earning the trust and support of society.
The Group will disclose information in accordance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the Timely Disclosure Rules set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Additionally, even if information for disclosure is not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules, we will proactively disclose information that we deem to be socially relevant and useful for investment decision-making.
2. Information Disclosure Method
We will disclose information via methods as stipulated by laws and regulations, as well as the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange as appropriate for the information in question.
Information disclosed on TDnet will also be disclosed promptly via the Group’s corporate website.
3. Information Disclosure System
All material facts and information on financial results from our internal divisions and subsidiaries are aggregated by the Corporate Administration Department's Corporate Communications Group. This organization examines whether or not each piece of information requires disclosure after consultation and coordination with the relevant divisions.
Depending on the content and nature of the information, we follow additional procedures, including meetings of the Board of Directors. The Information Disclosure Manager may also provide instruction to the staff in charge and execute disclosure appropriately.
Outline of Information Disclosure System

4. Quiet Period
In order to prevent the leakage of financial results information and ensure fairness, the Group designates the period from the day following the final day of each fiscal quarter to the day we announce the financial results for that respective quarter (or full year) as a "quiet period." During this quiet period, we will refrain from answering any questions or providing any comment on financial results and/or forecasts. However, even during this period, we will issue announcements as appropriate in accordance with information disclosure standards if a significant variation is expected versus the most recently-announced earnings forecast. Furthermore, even during the quiet period, we will provide responses to any questions regarding information we have already announced or that has otherwise become public knowledge.
5. On Forecasting
With respect to the business forecasts disclosed by the Group, any information that is not historical fact is a forward-looking statement based on information available under a certain set of conditions at the time of the announcement. Please be aware that actual results may differ from any forward-looking statements due to risks, uncertainties, and a number of other factors.