
Hidenori Sakashita
President & CEO
I am Hidenori Sakashita, and I have been appointed President & CEO as of January, 2024. As I assume my new position, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to you all.
Ever since our founding in 1960, Milbon has been a Japan-based, global professional haircare manufacturer, growing sustainably by manufacturing and selling haircare products exclusively to hair salons. Based on our founder Ichiro Konoike’s philosophy of “Building a Solid Company that Won’t Collapse,” we have created a business model focused on hair salons, inspiring beauty in people and enriching lives worldwide.
Milbon has become the leader in Japan’s salon-exclusive hair cosmetics market. Since entering the global market in earnest in 2010, we have established a presence in 14 countries and regions around the world, including Japan, where we are developing a system of local production for local consumption aligned closely with the beauty needs in each country and region. This approach is allowing us to steadily gain trust and grow in those markets. As stated in our most recent five-year medium-term business plan, which commenced in 2022, we aim to be the “leading manufacturer in Asia and top 5 in the world” by 2026, with the vision of becoming the “world’s No. 1 professional haircare manufacturer” in the future.
However, for Milbon these goals are not endpoints, but instead simply waypoints. The most important thing is to ensure that we are completely aligned with the needs of the hair professionals and salons in each country and region. By becoming the most trusted presence for individual hairstylists and salons, and by gaining the highest approval rating in each region, we will be able to fulfil our social mission of “Building a Solid Company that Won’t Collapse.” By doing so, I believe we will naturally achieve our goal of becoming No. 1 in the world.
The world has now become a more volatile, uncertain, and complex place than ever before. Conflicts and divisions are becoming ever more common, and no country, region, or even individual can avoid being impacted by this situation. On the other hand, we now live in an era of huge volumes of information, diversified values, and a plethora of choices for the individual. However, it is precisely because of these circumstances that Milbon believes people’s desire to be true to their own values has become even more pertinent than in the past. Beauty can help achieve that desire, and will undoubtedly become ever more indispensable.
In order to continue contributing to society through the power of beauty, Milbon itself, and society as a whole, must be sustainable. Founder Ichiro Konoike’s philosophy of “Building a Solid Company that Won’t Collapse” is the very essence of today’s concept of sustainability, and this has always been the guiding principle underpinning the management of Milbon. As a company with a social presence, it is only natural that we contribute to society, and only by doing so can we ensure that we are recognized by society and continue to remain a healthy and sound business. As a global manufacturer, Milbon will continue to earnestly address various societal and environmental issues in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society for everyone throughout the entire supply chain, from procurement of raw materials to production and sales, and even after consumption.
Be “Authentically Milbon.”ーThis phrase naturally came to mind when I was appointed President & CEO and envisioned Milbon’s future. By supporting hair professionals and salons, we provide beauty to society. Although continuous and flexible innovation is essential in a rapidly changing society, Milbon has a core that will never change. As long as we stay true to that core, all that's left is to move forward in a way that's true to Milbon. There is a limit to what I can achieve on my own, but together with the more than 1,000 like-minded Milbon colleagues, the possibilities are endless.
Living one’s own beautiful life.
This desire has always been, and will continue to be, universal.
Under our corporate slogan of “Find Your Beauty,” Milbon will continue to work with hair salons to create a future where people can live their own fulfilling and vibrant lives.
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