
Inspiring Lifelong Beauty of Our Customers
Brand Lineup

At Milbon, we endeavor to help our customers live beautifully through salons and haircare professionals.

As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we embrace the rich diversity of perspectives on what makes beautiful hair.

Milbon offers salon-exclusive brands to be used with expert counseling from haircare professionals.


Premium Brands

To complement the diverse values of "beauty"


Professional Brands

To complement new trends,
design changes and generational differences


Technical Brands

To complement the specialized techniques of professional hair stylists



Through analysis of hair at the nano-level, we discovered "Stick-Shaped Voids (SSVs)," a common damage phenomenon in people around the world. Products under the milbon brand contain the hair repairing ingredient "SSVR-Silk," increasing density in the cortex and repairing these voids, restoring hair to its original beauty from the inside out.

With this, we offer an innovative hair care solution valuable in all scenarios, from professionally-applied salon treatments to at-home care.



Manageability of hair is the foundation for achieving the desired hairstyle.The Elujuda brand elevates the quality of hair design by providing comfortable texture that lasts the whole day, with hair as manageable as a salon finish, no matter your age.



There are as many visions of the ideal hairstyle as there are humans on Earth. ORDEVE is a made-to-order hair color line tailored to the unique hair types and expectations of our customers, achieving a refined, exquisite expression of hair texture. Cherishing the experiences of those who enjoy hair coloring, we strive to bring radiance to their lives and empower them to head out into each day with grace and allure.

Beyond Hair

While hair remains at the heart of Milbon, we continue to push boundaries to broaden the potential of salons, so that they may help weave a tapestry of beauty together with their customers throughout their lives.


Premium Brand *Available only in Japan

iMPREA, the salon-exclusive cosmetics brand

Click Here for Our International Product Lineup

Click here for information on how to purchase Milbon Products in Japan.

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